Friday 8 April 2016

Keep off...

No doubt, India's Pakistan policy is in tatters and the govt itself is to blame for the mess it is in. It was always coming as the issues related to foreign policy started getting mention in election speeches, social media becoming hyperactive over issues requiring in-depth knowledge and perspective, TV studios conducting debate over intricate issues involving semi literate panelists and so on. Playing to the gallery was bound to happen and knee jerk responses and mindless adventurisms started getting reflected in this domain too which was hitherto handled by seasoned mandarins and experts if I may say so. there used to be a continuity even after change of govt. One wrong move and the losses are colossal. Just hope the media and roadside politicos keep off these issues and allow the efforts to fructify. Even back channel diplomacy requires a certain kind of cooling off of environment  and is going to be a certified failure if consistently exposed to public scrutiny. Hope the politicos, social media stalwarts as well the MSM understands this and keep off to allow the thing to cool off ...